La Roca Inconmovible Church (PENTECOSTAL) is a non-for-profit Church ministry located in the City of Albany.
The mission was given to Rev David Ortiz through the work of the Holy Spirit and Confirmed by God's spoken Word.
The Church was formed on the 28th of January in the year 1996 at the residence of Rev David & Maria Ortiz alongside with 7 other (Adult) founding members, including, Elders Victor Pagan and Ana Portugues.
During this time there were approximately 25 members. Rev David Ortiz and his wife, Maria, responded to the 'Calling' of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to Minister His Word to the Hispanic Community. The calling was confirmed by the Spoken Word of God and Rev David aided to the request of gathering brothers of the faith to conduct services at his residence.
Rev Ortiz then requested the member to pray for 7 days, consecutively, so that a name for the Church could be divinely allocated. After the 7th day of praying, Sisters Maria Ortiz and Ana Portugues were individually inspired with the SAME name for the new Church. This was confirmation that the Church would be called LA ROCA INCONMOVIBLE. Translation: "The Unmovable Rock" .
La Iglesia (PENTECOSTAL) Roca Inconmovible es un ministerio congregacional ubicado en la ciudad de Albany.
La misión fue dada al Rev David Ortiz a través del trabajo del Espíritu Santo y confirmada por la Palabra de Dios.
La Iglesia se formó el 27 de enero del año 1996 en la residencia de Rev David y Maria Ortiz junto con otros (7) miembros fundadores (adultos), entre ellos, los ancianos de la Iglesia, Victor Pagan y Ana Portugues.
Durante este tiempo hubo aproximadamente 25 miembros. El reverendo David Ortiz y su esposa, María, respondieron al 'Llamado' de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo para ministrar su Palabra a la comunidad Hispana de Albany. El llamado fue confirmado por la Palabra de Dios hablada y el Reverendo David ayudó al pedido de reunir a los hermanos de la fe para realizar servicios en su residencia.
El Rev. Ortiz le pidió a los miembros que oraran por 7 días, consecutivamente, para que un nombre para la Iglesia pudiera ser divinamente asignado. Después del séptimo día de oración, las Hermanas María Ortiz y Ana Portugues se inspiraron individualmente con el MISMO nombre para la nueva Iglesia. Esta fue la confirmación de que la Iglesia se llamaría LA ROCA INCONMOVIBLE.
Our Mission is to provide the surrounding areas in the City of Albany with a place of Worship and to Empower our Hispanic community, among others, through the teaching and discipleship of the Word of God by acting out their Faith in Christ as in their respective homes and productive members of their neighboring communities and as exemplary citizens.
By doing so, we strive to live peaceful lives, and to render services, when needed and able to, by clothing, feeding, mending the sick, both physically as well as spiritually. Organizing gatherings for prayer meetings, worship and leadership development under the supervision of the Pastor, Rev. David Ortiz.
In his Vision, as inspired by the Holy Spirit and through Divine Intervention, Rev. David Ortiz and the body of this Church will expand beyond its local boundaries in to other incorporated churches throughout the country and abroad. So that, by this ministry and movement, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is introduced, seeded and grown for future generations until the rapture of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Nuestro Pastores y equipo:
Rev David & Maria Ortiz
Pastores y Fundadores
Marlen McDonald
David B Ortiz
Victor & Ana Pagan
Tesorero y Columna Local